Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Pushed to the Left and Loving It: So Stephen Harper Signed a Deal With Fox News a Year Ago to Come to Canada

Pushed to the Left and Loving It: So Stephen Harper Signed a Deal With Fox News a Year Ago to Come to Canada

The concept of Faux News coming here- indescribable. Indescribabble ? Extremists and abusers will love it-why might I be paying for- abuse ??? closed mindedness glorified ? This is just pathetic.

Who truly speaks for Australian fathers? | www.xyonline.net

Who truly speaks for Australian fathers? www.xyonline.net

Same scenario in Canada- shared parenting is what some wish to see brought into Canada. In the meantime- all these abuses happen anyway- under the "best interests" provision- and with the support of pro-abuse psychologists,lawyers, judges and social services SYSTEMS. Some may not realize thay are acting as pro-abuse- but they are. In this -mindset, are frequently found your anti gun registry people, your anti choice people and extreme right wing and extreme right religious people.

Want some decent choices in your lives ? Then we need to learn about these- tendencies in our world.

Not only does the author describe the absolute and largely unknown truths about certain abuses- he writes exceptionally well.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Features - Winnipeg Jewish Review 46 | 45 | 44

Features - Winnipeg Jewish Review 46 45 44

Beyond Borders excellent person talking about child sexual abuse. Excellent excellent excellent. Thank you Madame Prober

Preventing child sexual abuse - Drayton Valley Western Review - Alberta, CA

Preventing child sexual abuse - Drayton Valley Western Review - Alberta, CA

Alberta child sex abuse survivors speak out in ads

Alberta child sex abuse survivors speak out in ads

Harper’s Message Event Proposals reveal ‘hyper-extreme’ political control - thestar.com

Harper’s Message Event Proposals reveal ‘hyper-extreme’ political control - thestar.com

He/they can't fool everyone for always- it is a bit like the oil spill- try to mop up the messes- it just keeps sliming along- destroying huge parts of our earth- and for a very long time. Lots and lots of ordinary (so-called) people know what is really going on- I suppose others who support the garbage- are unable to act- or are too- busy with their lives to see it- or are totally in support of many power/control actions - - -

Liberal Party of Canada » Speak out in support of fair & effective gun control

Liberal Party of Canada » Speak out in support of fair & effective gun control

wildflowers' movement

wildflowers' movement

Maternal health care plan endangered by PM's beliefs

Maternal health care plan endangered by PM's beliefs

Facebook Videos from Stop Violence Against Women and Children in Austr...