Brutal abuses were so constant, that almost anything and everything can launch me back into the black abyss of desperation.
An article arrives . It is a report about an Australian man who has been condemned to prison for nine years or more, for strangling his wife's cat. (among other brutalities) There was a child from this union.I am not even through the entire article -and - back I go . Blasted back into hell again.
My eldest daughter, not yet a year and a half old and non-verbal- but very expressive, had dragged me into a pet store in the shopping mall. She had heard a kitten yolping.Home came a little black morsel of fur. Who grew up and had a litter of kittens.
One was kept - and grew to be a superb long haired mostly black cat lady with white boots and whiskers/antennae. Sweet , calm and affectionate.
This adored pet died young.Result of bestiality by x. The x who got full custody of two already deeply wounded tiny girls.
Small wonder I have little respect for "the law" , bureaucracies etc. specially social services. It was a social worker who did this to us. Of course there were other players. Notably the x's psychologist- a known fathers' rights supporter- x's lawyer- played a major part in the total destruction of- four people and their spiritual and material heritage. I had no money. So it had to be pure evil. Perhaps with a good deal of ignorance mixed into the poison.
The judge believed the psychiatrist, the doctor, the witnesses, me, etc. He did the only thing he could- and ordered another "expertise". (social workers have the power of gods)
Same psychologist same social worker- second time around- different judge- one known to be- "not nice".(words of my lawyer- being diplomatic)
I don't write many original texts on this blog. So many words float around about child custody etc.- that I am sure they are at least partially responsible for global warming. The words don't change what happened. The words don't change what keeps on happening- all over the Western world.
The words don't fix my agonies nor those of my adult children.(they lived through having their mother "disappear" and living with a brute- physically survived-)
That was not the only animal he killed that way. Another- he made his tiny children watch.
How I Used AI to Build the Content Calendar (Without Writing
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A routine meeting led to developing an internal tool with AI, transforming
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13 hours ago
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